by 3:25 AM 0 comments
He never even planned to kill us the entire game, just wanted to TEAR SHIT UP hahaha that made me laugh :D


Now I'd like to write a review on the game FARCRY 4 , the fourth installment of the FARCRY series developed by UBISOFT MONTREAL and published by UBISOFT in the year 2014. I just finished playing the game yesterday (wow why so late? ) because i just had my PC upgraded and i like to complete ALL the side missions before ending the game so yeah takes me quiet a while to complete any open world game lol :D so anyways Farcry 4 is somewhat ( by somewhat i mean 80 %) similar to farcry 3 the only difference being that it has a different story, some new weapons and a whole diffent kind of environment I mean wow I can literally tell people I have been to the himalayas and stuff haha. So as far as the gameplay is concerned , it was a nice experience, the places, the flying the shooting and the fact that Pagan Min ( The badass boss) didnt even have to die I mean I killed by him by mistake in the end which i regret deeply man wow but not killing him is , by my view, the actual ending.

The only creatures i truly hated through the game was DHOLE , those stupid dogs killed me many times more than those royal soldiers and i didnt even do nothing to them , I'm like "OH DHOLE, its cool bros just passin by yeah  , " dhole be like "hey look meat! lets eat him yay " 

Seriously Dogs of Farcry3 and dhole mannnnnnnn 

And dont get me started on those pesky Honey Badgers ughhhhhhhhh........ small fast and very noiseless if you're in a firefight, they be scratching all yo health bars away leaving you to just scrath your head and wonder " should've just used the syringe" 

They even look scary in real life!

SO what i recommend to anyone going up to the himalayas (don't know if they're found anywhere else, so i'll let you know later :D ) "ALWAYS BE ON THE LOOK OUT FOR THESE runts for they are small and powerful like me, not saying I'm small but like I'm not short or tall I'm medium so just y'know enjoy your time I'm rambling now lols sorry bout that :D.

There was not much plot twist though I always like games and movies with plot twists, because at first you're like "hey there's the bad guy let's destroy the mofo" but then halfway through you realise you were the bad guy all along and then you lay there regretting everything you did in the game like some spoilt fat kid who dropped his ice cream 

                        yeah it just sad :(

So for people expecting plot twist ( like me) , there isn't any sorry :( . 

The best aor should I say silly parts of farcry 3 or 4 is the thing where you almost die but the get healed by just fixing your thumb haha XD , i mean getting health packs or something would sound reasonable but fixing a thumb ??? 

        I mean if i could do that then I'd go to war anytime

The side missions are nice although repetitive so you might get bored by it but I am an XP king which means i learn all skills as soon as they are unlocked cuz i want to be stronggggg and kill all them bitches lols XD pardon my french.


So by the power vested in me by me because I'm one of the writers in this awesome blog I give this game a rating of eh who the hell cares haha its fun and thats all that matters right? Fun games are good games :D  ALL HAIL KING MIN! 



Happy go lucky.


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